We pride ourselves in over 20 years of innovation in the healthcare industry, with over 70 patents registered and millions of units making people's life better.  


Treat an ear infection and relieve ear pain

Eardoc opens and ventilates the Eustachian tube, allowing drainage of accumulated fluids out of the middle ear – relieving ear pain immediately!
Using the Eardoc is easy, safe and children friendly. The Pain disappears in no time, and the infection is healed without antibiotics. 




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Healp baby/Toddler's teething and relieve gum pain

GUMDOC™ is a massager made to help your baby through the period of teething and to relieve the pain and gum swelling by massaging the gums gently while the baby chews on it. The GUMDOC™ provides the baby with a friendly and safe device to chew and bite to reduce the feeling of pain.


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Relieve Stress, Migraines, Headaches and Anxiety with a press of a button!

Headoc combines 3 technologies to address problems caused by modern lifestyle - in a simple and effective way.



The 3 technologies Headoc is using are not new technologies and are used in many applications separately. Each technology (Negative Ions, Red Light Photo-Therapy, and Vibration) is approved for use by the FDA, CE and others. The production used to make Headoc is according to ISO and GMP standards, and all materials used in Headoc are of medical grade. 

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Uridoc™ is a simple & efficient device that helps treat Urinary hesitancy, Urinary retention and more related conditions.


URIDOC sends various patterns of electric pulses to your muscles through the 4 electrodes in front of the URIDOC. Muscles respond to the pulses by contracting and relaxing rhythmically. The contracting and relaxing of the muscles produces soothing massage sensations that are similar to that given by a massage specialist added to a soft vibration to ease the feeling of the pulses. The motion of URIDOC will work on the muscles surrounding the bladder, stimulate the bladder and help the bladder to empty its capacity.

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